Uses of Cordyceps Alcohol Brings

Cordyceps is also considered a precious medicine because of the many health benefits that they bring. Among them, cordyceps soaked in alcohol is one of the most popular ways to use cordyceps.

The effect of cordyceps soaked in alcohol

Unlike ordinary alcohol, cordyceps soaked wine has many great uses for human health.

  • Support for cancer treatment:  Scientific studies have proven that cordyceps has a very good effect on cancer patients. Because this type of cordyceps contains the active ingredient Cordycepin – a drug of high medicinal value. Cordycepin has the ability to inhibit the growth and metastasis of cancer cells, and at the same time increase the content of cortisol, promote the exchange of nucleic acids and proteins, and control the growth of tumors.
  • Enhance immune resistance, anti-inflammatory:  One of the great uses of cordyceps wine is to strengthen the immune system effectively. In the context of the increasingly complicated epidemic situation, we need to actively improve the body’s resistance. And the perfect solution is to use cordyceps soaked in alcohol. This medicinal herb has the effect of increasing the number of white blood cells in the body, stimulating the immune system to fight infections.
  • Improve male physiological problems: For a long time, cordyceps soaked wine has been known as a nutritious remedy for men. Daily use of 20-30ml of cordyceps alcohol will be very useful for people with weakness, anemia, impotence, sexual impairment. Because in this wine contains many trace elements, such as Corticosteroids and Ketosteroids. Cordyceps wine is the secret to keeping the fire of husband and wife happy.
  • Good for the respiratory tract:  Studies have shown that cordyceps soaked in alcohol is very good for the respiratory tract. The Cordycepin component in cordyceps has the ability to inhibit bacteria that cause lung infections, thereby improving dry cough, asthma….
  • Slowing down the aging process:  Not only is it a remedy for respiratory and physiological diseases, cordyceps is also a great beauty secret for women. Cordyceps can fight oxidation, helping women own beautiful, shiny young skin.
  • Mental comfort:  When you feel tired, depressed, drink a small glass of cordyceps wine. This will help you improve your spirit, support blood circulation, bring positive energy. In addition to the above uses, cordyceps wine is also very useful in limiting obesity or supporting the heart very effectively.

Not only that, cordyceps – the main ingredient in alcohol is currently being considered a solution to help recover and improve post-Covid symptoms extremely well. Currently, Vietnam’s healthcare system is facing the risk of overloading due to the post-Covid-19 syndrome. Up to 30% of patients have post-Covid syndrome after being cured and have many potential consequences, affecting health and quality of life.

Post-Covid syndrome is understood as a patient still experiencing the same symptoms as when infected, despite being cured. The most common symptoms are cough, shortness of breath, headache, diarrhea, nausea, rash, etc. Many people also experience other problems such as excessive hair loss, anxiety disorders, depression, and insomnia. , picky eaters,…

Besides adjusting the diet and living properly, experts recommend that patients use more cordyceps to speed up the recovery process and overcome post-Covid symptoms.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, cordyceps has a sweet taste, warm properties, goes into the waste and kidney meridians. It has the effect of tonic lungs, except for phlegm, relieves asthma, helps kidneys, improves health, treats labor force, etc. Modern scientific studies have also shown that important nutrients are present in cordyceps. herbs like Cordycepin, Adenosine, HEAA group, protein, vitamins and minerals are abundant.

Therefore, we can use cordyceps for the elderly as a way to prevent, improve resistance, and protect our health. As well as preventing and improving symptoms AFTER COVID-19. Not only that, in 2020, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that the active ingredient Cordycepin contained in cordyceps has the ability to inhibit the replication of Covid-19 Virus effectively after 48 hours of use. treatment use.

Which type of cordyceps should be used to soak alcohol?

Currently, pure fresh cordyceps cordyceps and cordyceps cordyceps are evaluated as the two best types for soaking in alcohol. Because they not only contain many nutrients but also bring eye-catching colors.

Cordyceps fresh fruiting body is found in the fungus Cordyceps Militaris or the fungus Cordyceps Sinensis. This type of cordyceps, when soaked with alcohol, often has a very beautiful color, suitable for people with kidney, lung, heart, blood pressure diseases. Or you can use it as a valuable medicine to help strengthen the immune system and prevent diseases.

In addition, many people choose cordyceps to soak with alcohol. This is a fungus that lives symbiotically on larvae such as the worm Hepialus armoricanus. When winter comes, the fungus will attach to the parasite and eat up the nutrients of the worm. Then, when it’s warm in the summer, the fungus will come out of the deep stem and begin to grow. Whole wine is especially good for men with impotence. In addition, this medicine also helps the body increase resistance, stimulate better digestion …


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