Purchase Policy

Buy directly

Customers can directly visit the store to visit and select products, as well as receive direct advice from sales staff to be able to choose the most suitable products for themselves.

The company currently has 2 stores at:

    • Store 1: 66 Ung Van Khiem St., Cai Khe Ward, Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho City.
    • Store 2: 76 Pham Van Thanks St., Binh Thanh Area B, Binh Thanh Ward, Long My Town, Hau Giang Town

Shopping online

Applicable to all provinces in Vietnam. Customers can purchase products on the following websites:

    • Step 1: Customers call to order or place an order on the company’s website.
    • Step 2: Staff check and verify the order.
    • Step 2.1. Customers can transfer money in advance
    • Step 2.2. Customers can receive goods and pay
    • Step 3: Send it to the carrier
    • Step 4: Receive goods and perform Step 2.2