Is Cordyceps Wine Good? Should I use it or not?

Cordyceps wine has long been considered a valuable medicine to help improve health for both men and women. In order to enhance the effectiveness for each purpose of use, people also combine with many other herbs when soaking. Soaking time must also be enough days to have a good effect.

Is cordyceps wine good? Effects not to be missed

There are many  ways to use Cordyceps , in which Cordyceps soaked in alcohol is a popular way, especially favored by men. The product has a bright yellow color that blends the natural flavor of cordyceps with the pungent taste of white wine.

Similar to Cordyceps, cordyceps wine also has many health benefits, especially for men:

  • Improve health and strengthen the immune system: Cordyceps  contains   vitamins, minerals and precious medicinal substances that are good for human health. Using Cordyceps soaked in alcohol helps to nourish the body, improve health and increase resistance. Thereby preventing common diseases such as colds, coughs, body aches …
  • Enhances physiology:  Cordyceps has the effect of improving physiological functions in men such as impotence, spermatogenesis, reducing pain symptoms in the lumbar region, .. Cordyceps itself has hormone-like effects. sex steroids. Therefore, when combined with alcohol, it will help stimulate the production of male hormones and blood circulation.
  • Improves mood:  With the ability to support blood circulation, this wine is also good at relaxing the brain. When blood circulation is good, you will feel less stressed, tired and easy to fall asleep.
  • Support cardiovascular system function:  Drinking Eastern wine in moderation for a long time will stabilize blood pressure, heart rate and promote blood circulation. In addition, it also helps to reduce cholesterol and fiber in the blood, prevent atherosclerosis, fatty blood
  • Improve kidney function:  Helps to nourish the kidneys, suitable for people with impaired kidney function, nocturia, urinary frequency, chronic kidney failure, back pain, knee fatigue.
  • Good for the lungs:  With the effect of enhancing respiratory function and cleaning the lungs. Therefore, people who often smoke, work in polluted and toxic environments are very suitable to use this type of alcohol.
  • Beauty for women: Women drink Cordyceps to help regulate hormones. From there, it solves problems caused by female hormone disorders such as hair loss, menstrual disorders, trouble sleeping… In addition, Cordyceps contains many antioxidants. At that time, women who use Dong Cordyceps wine will improve their aging and beautify the skin.

Cordyceps alcohol is different from ordinary alcohol in that it does not cause  headaches  after use. In contrast, users feel more refreshed and healthier if used regularly in the right dose.

Instructions on how to soak cordyceps in the best way

 For soaking, fresh or dried cordyceps can be used  . When soaked can also be combined with other herbs to increase the use of alcohol. Here, let’s find out a way to soak cordyceps that is most commonly applied today.

Soak in wine Cordyceps with fresh and dried fruit bodies

Preparation materials:

  • 100g fresh Cordyceps or 10g dried Cordyceps fruit  body .
  • 1 liter of rice wine has an alcohol content of 35-40 degrees
  • 1 glass wine cooler with tight-fitting lid


  • Put Cordyceps in and soak with 700ml of alcohol for the first week.
  • After 1 week, add the remaining 300ml of wine to soak together.
  • The time for the wine to soak can be used is 1 month.

Because cordyceps wine is delicious, easy to drink, brings many effects to users, but should not be abused too much. Some subjects with liver disease, high blood pressure, diabetes may not be able to take it, only cordyceps should be used in other or original preparations for health care. The advice from experts will help users use cordyceps properly and bring the best effect.


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