Growing straw mushrooms from abalone mushroom waste

Today, A&B IMPORT EXPORT LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY would like to share the PROCESS AND TECHNOLOGY of growing straw mushrooms on abalone mushroom waste:


Step 1: Choose a place to plant.

The planting place must have shade, not much sunlight shines directly on the mushroom bed and the soil should not be flooded when it rains.

Step 2: Grind waste embryos.

Choose bags of waste embryos that are still white, not infected with mold or dead silk.

Put in a blender or use your hands to make the sawdust evenly.

Step 3: Processing.

Spread sawdust evenly 5cm thick on the selected soil.

Use lime to water into powder, spread evenly on the surface of sawdust 100g/m2.

Water with shower water on the surface of the sawdust that has been limed to make it wet. Leave for 2 hours – 4 hours to drain.

Step 4: Add nutrients and transplant seeds.

Using a small hoe, cut a thin layer on the drained sawdust. The grooves are spaced 50cm apart. Then sprinkle corn bran mixed with rice bran (ratio 1:1). (50g for 1m groove)

Next, spread 3-color NPK along the groove. (10g for 1m groove)

Finally, spread the straw mushroom on top of the added nutrient layer (50g of straw mushroom for 1m of trench).

Just like that, make the remaining free.

Step 5: Up the bed.

Using a rake, place sawdust on both sides of the groove in the middle of the trench to form mushroom beds, then press the surface with a rake to smooth the surface.

Use dry straw to cover the bed.


Rotate ingredients

Select the less contaminated embryo sacs and grind the embryos at the rate of 50 waste bags for 1m2

Spread the ingredients

Spread the ingredients evenly on the ground. Note: must be spread evenly to make the bed evenly, the mushrooms will be evenly and uniformly.


Spread lime evenly on the surface at the rate of 500g for 1m2. The purpose of this step is to disinfect and increase the PH of the material.


Water thoroughly the material that has been limed. For the purpose of allowing lime to penetrate evenly into the material, increasing the antiseptic properties of the material. After watering is complete, let the water drain, should be left overnight.

Nutritional supplementation and transplanting

Use a hoe to cut. Spread rice bran, npk 3 colors and varieties.

Up the bed

Put sawdust on both sides in the middle to create a bed.

Surface Compression

Using rake, compress the middle of the bed, then compress the two sides of the bed to create a smooth surface to help the mushrooms stick together

Cover with straw

Covering the bed with straw evenly helps to keep warm, humidify and prevent rainwater. Watering twice a day: in the morning when the sun is up, in the afternoon before 16:00. On the 9th day, removing the straw to cut the silk stimulates the fungus to form. Continue watering until the 15th, there will be mushrooms harvested.

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